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Pioneer Love: Damaged Hearts Head West: Mail Order Bride 5 Bundle Page 5
Pioneer Love: Damaged Hearts Head West: Mail Order Bride 5 Bundle Read online
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Ian felt as if he had been sucker punched. “How?”
“I think you have loved her since you first met,” Ryan said as they rode out into the storm. “It is all right neither of you owes me anything, and I can’t think of a nicer couple. So come on lets go find the girl and tell her that she has to settle for second best.”
“What?” Ian said with mock outrage. “I think she chose the best brother.”
As they rode into the wind Ian knew that everything would be all right. Of course Ryan knew. He always knew about these things and maybe that was why his business trip had been brought forward. He left them alone to see what would happen. How could he be blessed with such a good brother? Now all he had to do was find Anna. The problem was it was a vast area and he had no idea where to look. Closing his eyes he prayed and let Kindle choose their path.
“Why that way?” Ryan called.
“I don’t know it just seems right,” Ian said and he prayed that is was, for the night was cold and Anna could freeze to death if they did not find her soon.
Chapter 12
It was so cold and everywhere she looked was white. In every direction there was mile after mile of snow. It all looked the same. Footprints, she remembered and she searched for the way she had come, for the footprints that would lead her back. There was nothing, the continually falling snow and the strong wind had covered her only means of finding the way home. Home? Was it her home and what must she do. She loved Ian with all her heart but she could not do that. Could not come here to marry one man and end up marrying another. If she did… what would that make her?
It did not matter now; she could deal with that problem when she was warm and safe. But how did she get back? For the first time, she realized that she had no idea where she was. Which way had she been facing when she sunk to the ground? It was so hard to remember, but she had to make a decision and she headed off in one direction but soon changed her mind. That couldn't be the way home, so she went off in another direction. That too led her nowhere. She couldn't retrace her footprints because the continuously falling snow had covered them all up. She was helplessly lost, hungry, cold and so tired. Her bad leg throbbed and her limp was even worse in the thick snow and it was getting darker by the minute. Soon it was too dark to walk another step and she was too tired anyway. She sat down to rest for a bit. Her body shivering so much she could feel her teeth rattling together. She would rest just a moment and she reached for the cross at her throat. In the distance a wolf howled and she shivered this time from fear.
“Our father who art in heaven,” she said. But the words stopped. She was so tired and despite her fear and the cold she dropped down onto the icy ground and mumbling the Lord’s Prayer she fell into a deep sleep.
Someone was there. She lifted her head and snow fell off her. It was cold yet she did not want to wake up. It was nice in sleep, numb there and if she rested just a little longer all her problems would be over.
“Anna, Anna where are you?” Ian called.”
He had come for her. She sat up and called out for help, but her throat was so cold that the words were little more than a whisper on the wind.
Ian came into view with Ryan just behind him. The minute Ian saw her he took off running and pulled her into a hug. He had tears in his eyes. "Don't ever do that to me again,” he said in a choked voice. “If you don't want me it's ok but don't leave like that. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you."
Anna looked up at him with all the love she felt. "I love you, Ian,” she said. “I just wanted a chance to tell you that." She turned to see Ryan standing at the side, a smile on his face. "I'm sorry Ryan,” she said. “This wasn't something I planned, but I couldn't help but fall in love with Ian. I hope you can forgive me."
Ryan came up to her and smiled a smile that felt like the sun coming out. "There is nothing to forgive,” he said. “My brother is a very lovable person. I'm just glad you’re safe. My brother would have been a very sad man otherwise and I like him all laughs and jokes the way he is. Welcome to the family, dear sister." And he held out a hand to both her and Ian. Pulling them both up, he handed her to Ian and with an encouraging smile, he backed off.
Ian draped a coat over her shoulders and hugged her close then he stepped back. Anna looked at Ian at his beaming face and his deep green eyes that spoke of love and promises. She turned toward him and said, "Why is my heart like yours?"
He grinned at her and asked, "Why?"
"I don't know. I guess because they both love each other." Anna smiled.
"That was a horrible joke. I guess I'm going to have to teach you the fine art of telling a joke. But that will have to wait." He grinned at her with mischief before his eyes clouded over and he bent towards her, his lips an inch from hers. Just before their lips could touch, he said, "But it is very true. I love you and I always will." And with that he gently pressed his lips to hers.
The kiss filled her with a fire that drove out the cold. It seemed to set her heart racing and her knees to buckle and she was sure that fireworks were going off behind them. The world faded away and nothing remained but the two of them and the tremendous love they had for one another.
At last he picked her up and carried her back to the waiting sled. Placing her beneath a blanket he climbed in beside her and stared deep into her eyes. “Anna Montgomery you are the most perfect woman I have ever met, will you marry me?” he asked.
Anna felt her heart almost explode with love. “I would love to,” she said, “after all you did save my life.”
His lips claimed hers and she knew that she had found her love. Maybe she was perfect despite her limp and maybe God had set all this in motion for just this most perfect of moments. It did not matter as she melted into Ian’s arms the cold was forgotten and all she could think of was the bright future they had together.
The End
Mail Order Bride
Damaged, Beaten & Saved by the Cowboy
Pioneer Brides Mail Order Brides Agency
– Jolene Book 2
Indiana Wake & Belle Fifer
©Copyright 2015 Indiana Wake & Belle Fiffer
All Rights Reserved.
[email protected]
Chapter 1
Anna clutched the letter to her chest. It filled her with a deep sadness, but she knew she must shake it off.
“Why so sad, Miss Montgomery?” Ryan asked as he walked into the library.
She could not let this handsome rancher know how desolate she felt. After all, she had journeyed out here as a mail order bride to marry this man and had ended up engaged to his brother. “It is nothing,” she said tucking the letter into the pocket of her dress. “Just the wedding plans.”
"How are things coming along?” Ryan asked. “Is there anything I can do? After all your wedding is in three days."
Anna watched her almost brother-in-law remove his hat and run a hand through thick brown hair. Had he been spending more time on the ranch and less in the hotel since her wedding had been announced to his brother? It did not matter, things were as they were and God would take care of them. She set a smile on her face and decided she would make sure Ryan felt comfortable in the house. After all it was his house first. "No, everything is ready,” she said. “I cannot thank you enough for closing the boarding business down for the week and letting all your relatives stay in the lodger’s rooms.” She had not admitted that she was so afraid of meeting the relatives. “I never knew you had so many relatives and friends." He seemed to have more relatives and friends coming than her whole church congregation back home. How would she manage with so many people? What would they think when they found out the youngest Gellman brother was marrying a cripple?
Anna shook away the bad thoughts away. After all it was only a limp; surely they would be happy for him? She turned as her fiancé came into the room.
“How is my lovely bride-to-be?” Ian asked.
“I am just
wonderful,” Anna replied giving him her most assured smile. He was such a good looking man. Just seeing him sent a little flutter to her heart. With deep green eyes, curly brown hair, broad shoulders and an amazing smile he was by far the most attractive man she had ever met. But what she loved about him most of all was his nature he always had a smile and was constantly trying to make her laugh. How could she be so lucky?
“Have all your guests replied,” Ian asked again.
The joy of her love was dampened by a shower of doubt. All of them, it would seem to the Gellman’s as if she had no friends. "The only people coming from my side are going to be my father and Mrs. Hawkins, the widow from the Pioneer Brides Mail Order Bride Agency. You know the lady who introduced me to you."
"I still can't believe you invited her," Ian said, looking at his soon to be wife with a love-struck expression.
Anna could not help but smile in return, just seeing this man could make her forget all her worries. "She was the one who sent me here and I met you... so in a way she had a hand in our marriage. I couldn't leave her out," she said and she couldn’t she owed Mrs. Hawkins so much. If she hadn’t altered her form, she might never have met Ian. A shudder went down her back. What if he had refused to see her because of her limp? No, she did not need to think about that.
She noticed Ryan was looking at the two of them with a contented smile. Anna had come here to marry him, but she and his brother had instantly fallen in love and he had arranged things to give them time together. Now it seemed he couldn't help but be happy for the both of them even if it made his own life just that little bit lonelier.
Ryan directed his most stern gaze on his brother and Anna wanted to laugh. She knew what was coming as they liked nothing more than a good banter.
"Little brother,” Ryan said in an amused tone. “I hope you didn't forget to invite the pastor to the wedding. He is the one who will wed you, after all."
Ryan glared at Ryan. "Have some faith in me, brother. This is the most important day of my life, I'm not gonna forget something as important as inviting the pastor."
As Ryan grinned at his brother, Anna let out a little squeal of joy. ‘The most important day of my life’ and it was of hers too.
"You can never be too careful,” Ryan said and he winked at Anna. “Do I need to remind you of the time you forgot to invite your own parents to your little birthday gathering?"
Ian grinned back and red sneaked up his neck and colored his cheeks. "Yah, I forgot about that. But in my defense, I was nine at the time."
Anna laughed along with the two brothers, enjoying their constant banter. It made her feel close to the both of them and part of a family.
Ian turned to her. "Are you sure your friend, Jolene, can't make it? We could send someone to fetch her if need be."
Anna fought back the sadness that threatened to overwhelm her and smiled. "She hasn't answered back after the letter saying she wouldn't be able to make it. She gave me no reason and I am a bit worried, but her wedding is in a couple of months and maybe she hasn’t got the time to come out here.”
“Don’t worry we can always go to her wedding and you can catch up then,” Ian said.
“Yes, of course,” Anna said but Jolene hadn’t mentioned her own wedding and hadn’t invited her yet. Was something wrong? Has she fallen out with her and how could she find out and make things right with her best friend? The wedding just wouldn’t be the same without her; she thought but decided it would be better not to say it out loud.
"Well, I'm sure we can find a way to cheer you up," Ian smiled at her mischievously.
Anna laughed and just then there was a knock on the door. A servant came in and bowed. "Mistress Anna, someone is here to see you,” he said.” They insist on being let in immediately. Should I bring them through?"
Ryan and Ian looked at one another.
"Who could be visiting at this hour,” Ryan said.
Just then the door flew open and all eyes turned to the sound. In the doorway stood a beautiful lady, red hair cascaded down her back, hazel eyes stared with a curious wonder, looking at everyone until they settled on Anna.
Letting out a shriek, she ran to her and embraced her in a tight hug.
Laughing, Anna hugged her back. "You sure know how to make an entrance, Jolene."
Chapter 2
Jolene let go of her best friend and looked her up and down before squealing, "Surprise. Did you miss me?"
Anna laughed and turned to the two men who stood watching the exchange with bemused expression on their faces. Finding it hard to control her joy Anna made the introductions. "Ryan, Ian, this is my best friend in the whole world, Jolene Tisdale. Jo, this is Ian, my betrothed, and his brother, Ryan."
Jolene turned towards the two men and curtsied.
Ian grinned so much he looked fit to burst. "So, you're the infamous Jolene I've heard so much about,” he said. “I had become quite jealous of you, what with the many times your name came up in the conversation. It’s good to finally put a face to the name."
Jolene grinned back and turning to Anna. "I like this one,” she said. “I can see the appeal."
Anna knew everything was finally perfect and she could not keep the huge grin from her face.
Ryan was staring at Jolene, and he pulled out a seat for her to sit. "You must be hungry and tired after your long journey. Please, join us for dinner," he said.
Like the perfect lady she was, Jolene sat in the seat he held out. "Thank you, I'm absolutely famished."
"So, Jo, why all the mystery?” Anna said. She knew she was talking too fast but could not stop the words from coming. “I thought you said you couldn't make it here in time for my wedding. Were you just teasing me or was it because of yours? Have you extended the date to your wedding and where is my invite?" Anna finally stopped herself talking and let out a tinkling laugh of pure delight.
The joy seemed to slip from Jolene's face and for just a moment she was staring through the wall to some distant land that only she could see. There was worry and fear etched onto her features, but it was gone so quickly Anna wondered if she were mistaken. She had to be mistaken, Jolene feared nothing, and now her smile was back. Maybe the look had simply been longing for her fiancé.
"Something like that,” Jolene said, but still her voice seemed flat. “Honestly Anna, there was no way I would miss your wedding, now could I? So, here I am and just in time too."
Jolene looked like her old self, confident and holding all the eyes in the room. Well maybe not Ian’s. With even more delight Anna noticed that his eyes were securely on her. "How is Jonathan?” Anna asked, determined to keep her friend in the conversation and to catch up on as much as she could. “I wish he had come with you. He should've come you know I invited him as well," Anna said feeling that this had just made the wedding so much more special. But perhaps Jolene was tired as her eyes had a faraway look again.
"It was too difficult for him to come as well,” Jolene said her head bowed. She raised it and looked straight into Anna’s eyes. “Anyway, enough about me tell me how the preparations for the wedding are coming. What can I do to help?"
Anna forgot about all her doubts and they delved into her plans. And so they spent the dinner, after dinner and late into the night, discussing the wedding plans and arrangements. Anna forgot about Jolene’s faraway look and just basked in the joy of having everything. Her father would be here soon, she was to marry the best man ever and she was able to catch up with Jolene. God had truly blessed her.
The next two days flew by in a blur of last minute preparations and nerves. Anna and Jolene never seemed to get a minute alone and after they had finished Jolene was always tired. How Anna wanted to catch up, but she would not push her friend.
The Gellman brothers were hardly ever seen either. Ian was living in the bunkhouse until the wedding and Anna missed him so. She would spend her days working on her dress, or flowers or the catering with the cook all the time telling Jolene how wonderful Ian was. Jo
had taken to finishing her sentences. Anna would start on a tale about something wonderful. Like how Ian had rescued her from a rattlesnake and just as she was about to reveal it was Ian, Jo would laugh and say “Ian Gellman is truly an amazing man. Then they would both fall about laughing. Still Jo would not talk about Jonathan no matter how hard Anna tried. She kept meaning to take her friend aside and ask her what the problem was but Jo seemed to know when to avoid her.
One day they were coming through the kitchen together. Anna grabbed Jolene’s arm. “Come to the library and tell me all about Jonathan.”
Jolene had pulled her arm away and winced at the touch.
“What is it?” Anna asked as they entered the hallway. “Are you hurt?” Quickly she had pulled back Jolene’s dress. There was a nasty yellow bruise on her arm. It was old and almost healed, but it looked bad. “What happened?” Anna asked her heart filled with sorrow and fear for her friend.
“It was nothing,” Jolene said. “I fell out of the stagecoach one night. I was just so tired.”
Anna searched her friends face. Was she lying? It was funny Jolene had always been able to tell when she was lying, but she was never very good at it. “Are you sure?” she asked. “If you are in trouble I can help… I want to help.”
Jolene laughed her good hearty laugh. “What trouble could I be in?” she asked.
With a bad feeling, Anna nodded and let it go. Jolene was right, how could she ever be in any trouble? After all, everyone loved her.
Anna’s father arrived the day before the wedding. She was so excited to see him that she forgot all about Jolene’s bruises and any trouble she may be in. They hugged and talked and hugged some more. If only her father could move West things would be even more perfect.